Abundance, Prosperity & Success


Scalar Energy Pendant ~ Frequency Downloads

Programmed with 200 positive energy belief systems to assist you to stand in your own power and create passion, motivation and wealth in all areas of your life!


Available Frequency Downloads

Healing Journey Energy – Amplifies the energy of healing the mind, body, and spirit by increasing the energy level of every cell in the body to the highest healing frequency possible.

Abundance, Prosperity & Success – Programmed with 200 positive energy belief systems to assist you to stand in your own power and create passion, motivation and wealth in all areas of your life!

Optimal Body Weight – Charged with over 200 energy secrets to support successful weight loss in the attainment and management of your ideal body weight.

Joy, Balance & Harmony – Programmed with miraculous energy frequencies to assist your body in resolving depression, anxiety and stress in your life… Providing the emotional support to embrace hope, peace and rejuvenation.

Unconditional Love & Relationship – Clears relationship patterns that no longer serve you. Resets your body with the energy frequencies to attract your most compatible soul mate, improve current relationships and shift your energy vibration to bring unconditional love to the world.

Addiction Release – Holds the energy to clear beliefs that keep you tied to the addictive substance, raising the energy frequency of each cell while closing the receptor sites to block the cravings. Many beliefs are held within, to support a new lifestyle full of amplified and unconditional self-love, as well as supporting the development of new neuro pathways, assisting with transformation.

Angelic Power – Provides the angelic power of the Archangels Michael and Rafael to assist you in the manifestation of your goals, dreams, and hearts desire. You are now on the path to divine enlightenment in all areas of your life!

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